Daydex Software


tabletsAlthough Daydex Software was started with the advent of the iPad tablet in 2010, the company taps into over 20 years of software development experience. Daydex Software developers have experiences which run lockstep with the development of the desktop computer industry and now with the spectacular rise of Tablet Computing, the company is poised to combine business and consumer computing with market leading apps.


The first products were developed as a result of internal requirements and established skill sets enabling entry into iPad and iPhone Development.


Additionally, Daydex Software are also engaged in enterprise scale solutions for Business Analytics, CRM, ERP systems, database applications and collaborative software; and are currently employingtablets "best of breed" software tools to get the job done. 


Our developers are experienced in assembling solutions based on Microsoft Technologies including VS based solutions, SQL Server and Sharepoint applications.


The company is currently focused on producing Tablet Computing solutions for enterprise-wide database base applications and cloud computing.